Join the Movement


Your support will fuel community aid and drive positive change through four main program areas: 

  • Financial assistance makes critical safety repairs accessible for vulnerable BIPOC, Women, LGBTQIA+ community members who rely on their vehicles to maintain their livelihood, shelter, and health. Low-income households often have to choose between safe and reliable transportation and other essential expenses. Financial assistance has provided roughly $120,000 for critical safety repairs for 120 individuals since 2012
  • Community workshops on the basics of vehicle maintenance and repairs makes this knowledge more accessible for BIPOC, Women, LGBTQIA+, and low-income people, protecting them from being taken advantage of and building their confidence and agency around their cars. Community workshops have served over 300 participants over the more than 50 events organized since 2012.
  • Lights out on racism provides educational resources, free exterior light inspection, and bulb replacement for our BIPOC and low-income community that is disproportionately targeted and stopped for these common safety citations. Lights out on racism has provided resources and services to more than 500 individuals since 2020.
  • Apprenticeship trains new automotive technicians and service advisors in an inclusive and affirming learning environment, creating new employment pathways for marginalized people who are underrepresented in the industry. Apprenticeship has increased diversity and representation in the industry – of the 12 apprentices trained since 2012: 100% are LGBTQ+ (with 58% transgender and/or nonbinary), 42% are women, 33% are BIPOC, and 58% were low-income when entering the program.


Here are just a few examples of what your gift can do in your community:

  • $50-100 provides parts and labor to replace exterior lights for one community member through lights out on racism.
  • $200 provides diagnostic labor for one community member accessing emergency safety repairs through financial assistance
  • $500 provides instructor time and shop supplies for 12+ community members to receive car maintenance and repair training in a community workshop.
  • $1,000 provides the average level of financial assistance needed to ensure that one community member needing emergency repairs can safely use their car for transportation and/or shelter.


Want to make an even bigger difference? You can 

  • Leverage matching donations from your employer.
  • Connect us to sponsorship and grant funding opportunities. 
  • Boost our campaign – join our mailing list and follow us on social media to share our emails and posts with your friends.

Reach out to if you need assistance with your employer matching process or to discuss collaborative partnerships, corporate sponsorship, or grants.   

Auto Repair Transformation is a federal 501c3 non-profit organization registered under Tax ID Number 92-0890374.